2018-03-21  P7F

Acceleration Relation in Dark Matter Problem

Yong Tian

McGaugh et al. 2016 (PRL 117, 201101) discovered a tight radial acceleration relation between dark matter and baryonic matter by analyzing the dynamics of 153 spiral galaxies from Spitzer Photometry and Accurate Rotation Curves (SPARC) database. It is consistent with the Mass Discrepancy-Acceleration Relation (MDAR) which means the mass discrepancy of dark matter and the baryonic matter is strongly correlated with gravitational acceleration (Famaey & McGaugh 2012). In this talk, the latest acceleration relation in dark matter problem will be introduced as well as the review of dark matter problem from the observation. Moreover, our recent work (Tian & Ko 2016, 2017) of dynamics and gravitation lensing in elliptical galaxies revealed the consistent result of the acceleration relation (or MDAR) in spiral galaxies.